Friday, 2 July 2010

A Poem

When I was little I used to spend a lot of time in my primary school library. I used to borrow a new book as soon as I finished a previous one. I enjoyed every story and lived each one as if I was there. I still remember some of the images my head created while reading. Funny thing, a vivid memory from something that happened in my mind.
One of my favourite writers was and is Elsa Bornemann. I won't write here her bio, it's not my intention, you can google her. I just want to share with you my experience with her. I want to share this poem with you. Romance del País que No Conoci

 Elsa Bornemann writes books for children, and is amazing how she can understand us, I'm including myself, because she understood me when I was one.
Back on my primary school days I was always in love with someone, always. Once in sixth grade I fell for a 7th-grade boy, and he was my boyfriend for a while -the only one my mother really liked. To make a long story short, it didn't end well -we stopped holding hands. That was the first time someone broke my heart, or that I got my own heart broken. At that time, I was reading this book by Elsa, in which this beautiful poem was included. I felt it was written for me, to put into words everything I couldn't say. So I copied the poem on a beautiful paper, and I gave it to the boy. He never said a word about it. Now, I look at those days and I laugh, I've always been a bit melodramatic, I have to admit, but those were my feelings, right?
A few months ago, I read this poem again. I still find it absolutely beautiful and I hope you like it too.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. OMG! What a beautiful poem!
    I can't believe that you were a little fan of Elsa Bornemann, I was too! I have a book by her called "Los Grendelines", which is an absolute master piece!
    Something strange has just happened to me: before reading your post, I remember there were times I couldn't picture my mother reading me stories before going to bed. And that of course made me feel a little sad. But now that your post made the memories of "Los Grendelines" come flooding back, I have a very vivid image of my mum reading it to me. She was a grown-up and was in love with that book too! Neither of us could ever get enough of it.
    I can lend it to you some time, if you want.
    Thanks for this post and for that great poem!
    BTW, you were in 6th grade a your bf was in 7th?!?! You're such a winner! That was impossible for me!

  3. Boys!!! Boys will be boys, you know...

  4. Wow...What a beautiful poem! And the story you tell is really sweet. I feel that we should feel lucky that we had the opportunity to discover this amazing genre (I ´m very keen on poetry and quite romatic too) . It´s a real pity than nowadays teenagers do not care about this!
