Sunday, 3 October 2010

Petcha What?

We were asked to put a petcha kutcha presentation together. 6,40 minutes, 20 slides, sounds like a piece of cake, doesn't it?

I presented mine some time ago, and the experience was absolutely stressful. Once I had chosen my topic, I had to come up with ideas to talk about for almost 7 minutes. 7 minutes it's not such a long time, but when you hace to fill them with good sounding arguments, each minute it's like an hour. I managed to write something I really liked. I was voicing my thoughts, it sounded convincing - a bit chlichè at times, but it was all me.

When the writing was over, it came the troublesome task of finding the perfect picture for each idea. The problem was that I had alerady seen the presentation on my head, and had a clear idea of what kind of pictures I wanted, it was just a matter of finding them online. I must have looked at hundreds of pictures, trying to find the ones that most resembled those in mind. It certainly took a lot of time, Thanks God, I could find most of the images I wanted, so I felt quite confident about my slide presentation too.
The dat of the presentation came along. I felt so nervous when speaking. I had too many things going on in my mind while spaking: my lines, the slides, the time. The time! Timing was everything in this kind of presentation. I think I managed quite well in the end.

There's still something I can't quite figure out: how is it that I felt so nervous while giving my presentation, when I spend my days speaking in front of a class?

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