Tuesday, 9 November 2010


Builders at home are always problematic. While I can take the dust and the mess quite well, there's a characteristic common to all that really gets on my nerves.

I have never met such unpunctual people, "I'll be here at 8 tomorrow" they say. So you go to bed early, knowing that you will have to wake up at 7 to get yourself decent. So the alarm clocks rings and you get up, in the worst of moods, because it was your "late-in-bed day". You get out of your PJs, make yourself a cup of coffee to shake the sleepyness away, and sit confortably waiting for the bell to ring. It's ten to eight and you try to enjoy the last ten minutes of silence you will have for the rest of day. You look at the clock again, 8 sharp, no one at the door. He must be on his way, you think. 8.15, you have finished your coffee, and the beautiful silence is now annoying irresponsability. "I have to be on my way after lunch, he'd better finishes before that because..."  and you start planning all the things you are going to say to him when he comes, he will have a piece of your mind the instant you open the door.

8.30 and finally the knock on the door. You open it, ready to fire when you encounter his smilie face apologising for the delay. "It's OK" you say, swallowing all your words. And the hammering starts. Oh the hammering! "Why on earth I deciced to open that wall?" You breath in, and put up with the mess; after all you called the builder because it was absolutely necessary.

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